Connecticut D-STAR Group


This page is here as a service for those with visual disabilities that require the use of text reader. This page is broken down in 2 basic components.

1. Repeater Information

2. Contact Information.

Section 1: Repeater Frequencies by Location:

This area is broken down by station callsign, town, and then lists frequency, frequency offset and gateway link status

AA1HD  (Vernon, Ct )

2 Meters Module C: 145.26000MHz -0.600   Permanently linked to REFLECTOR 069 port C

70 Centimeters Module B: 442.15000MHz +5.000

KB1UHS (Haddam, CT) module B (444.55000 +5.000MHz) Permanently linked to REFLECTOR 069 port C.

KD1STR (Salem, CT) 70 Centimeters module B (443.40000 +5.000MHz) Permanently linked to REFLECTOR 069 port C.

N1GAU (Killingly, CT)   70 Centimeters module B: 444.100 +5.000MHz. Permanently linked to REFLECTOR 069 port C.

W1ECV (Meriden, Ct )

2 Meters ("C" Node): 145.49000MHz -0.600 Permanently linked to REFLECTOR 069 port C.

Neighboring state Repeaters that link to REFLECTOR 069 port C:

W1KK module B (449.175-) Permanently linked to REFLECTOR 069 port C

module B (443.300+) sometimes linked

W1AAD (Portsmouth) module C (145.300-) normally linked

Section 2 - Contact Information:

If you need to contact any of the repeater owners please use DSTARUSERS.ORG.





©2009, KB1AEV, Dana Underhill, All Rights Reserved.
The Connecticut D-STAR Group is a service mark of KB1AEV, Dana Underhill